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Youngers initiation - 06- Right-Action


Right-Action Value 

1) C
orrect use of time 
2) Helping


1)  Correct use of time

Développer un mode de vie équilibré


Examiner la façon dont j’utilise mon temps.
Apprendre les jours de la semaine.

Jeu de mise en condition:

Entraîner progressivement les enfants à l’écoute intérieure : « la petite voix »
Avant le jeu les enfants auront confectionné une couronne ou un chapeau.

Jeu de la clochette
Leur couronne sur la tête les enfants forment un cercle les bras tendus.

Les enfants ne se tiennent plus. Un enfant « A » est désigné pour commencer, il dépose sa couronne à sa place.
«  Maintenant asseyez-vous doucement en silence, fermez les yeux, laissez-les fermés jusqu’à la fin du jeu et, écoutez attentivement, lorsque votre camarade, désigné pour commencer, fera sonner la clochette prés de votre oreille, vous déposerez votre couronne devant vous et vous vous lèverez pour prendre son tour et lui s’assiéra à votre place. »

L’enfant « A » sur la pointe des pieds tourne lentement à l'extérieur du cercle puis fait sonner très doucement une petite cloche près de l'oreille d'un autre enfant.

Les deux enfants échangent leurs places et le nouvel enfant devient l’enfant 'A'qui choisit un camarade qui a encore la couronne sur la tête.
Répétez ceci jusqu'à ce que tous les enfants aient changé de place. La couronne sert à repérer les enfants qui n’ont pas encore bougé. Le dernier enfant va s’asseoir devant la couronne restée libre qui était celle du premier enfant « A »

Tout le monde ouvre les yeux. Que remarquez-vous ? Les camarades qui sont chaque côté de vous ont changé.

Maintenant  levez-vous, regardez chaque camarade qui vous entoure souriez-lui et dites « je suis heureux (se) que tu sois près de moi » et embrassez-le (la)

L’assise silencieuse:

Asseyez-vous lentement et les jambes croisées. (Les enfants s’asseyent là où ils étaient debout)
Asseyez-vous votre dos bien droit.
Les mains sur vos genoux tournées vers le haut comme des petites coupelles.

Tout le monde prend une grande inspiration... et  une grande expiration ...Voilà ! encore une fois
Maintenant, vous allez essayer de rester tranquille ... sans bouger, vous fermez les yeux.
Gardez toutes les parties de votre corps immobile sans bouger et écoutez le silence dans la salle de classe.  (Pause de 5 secondes)
Maintenant écoutez les bruits à l'extérieur de la salle de classe ... (Pause de 5 secondes)

Commencez à bouger doucement votre corps, étirez-vous, ouvrez vos yeux et souriez aux personnes qui vous entourent.
Maintenant, levez-vous calmement rapprochez-vous. Asseyez-vous.

Quels sont les bruits que vous avez entendus? Discuter.
A quoi avez-vous pensé quand vous étiez assis tranquillement?
Qu’avez-vous ressenti?
Levez votre main si vous avez aimé ce temps de calme.



by Louise Collins

It was the summer holidays and Reece, who lived with his mother and sister, watched TV on Monday. He watched TV on Tuesday. He watched TV on Wednesday. His mother said, “Reece, it is such a nice day. Go out in the garden and play.” But Reece didn’t want to. Instead he watched TV and videos all day. And he watched TV on Thursday, and on Friday too.

On Saturday morning, Reece came down and switched on the TV. Suddenly there was a click and the TV picture disappeared. Reece pressed all the buttons, but nothing happened. He called his Mum and she rang the repair man. He came and looked at it, then took it away to mend.

Reece stared at the empty space. What could he do? Then he went to find his older sister. She was upstairs practising the violin.
Reece looked glum. “I’ve got nothing to do,” he explained sadly.

“Do you want to come in the garden and play football?” asked his sister kindly.
“Yes please,” said Reece feeling better. They went outside to play in the small garden. As there was not much space they had to be careful with their kicks so as not to break anything. They had a lovely game and felt happy to share some time together. Usually Reece was so busy watching TV he didn’t even speak to his sister. Soon it was lunch time. Mother was pleased to see Reece do something active in the garden. Reece felt good that he had shared a game with his sister. His sister was happy that she was able to cheer Reece up.

The next day was Sunday. Reece mother asked him to help weed the garden and water the plants. Usually Reece would watch TV instead. But as there was no TV he helped his mother instead. He had a lot of fun watering the flower pots. He could see how much the flowers needed water.
In the afternoon, his dad came to take him and his sister out. Reece was ready and waiting.

“Nice to see you ready, Reece,” said his dad looking pleased. “I usually have to drag you away from the TV.”
On Monday, Reece found some paper and coloured crayons and began to draw a picture and colour it in. He was so busy that he did not even miss the TV.

On Tuesday he did a jigsaw puzzle that he had got last birthday. On Wednesday, his mother said, “Reece, the TV is back.”
“I’m too busy to watch TV,” Reece replied. “The boy next door has asked me to take his dog for a walk with him and his mother. Can I go?”
“Yes Reece, and thank Mrs. Smith for letting you go with them.”
On Thursday, Reece asked if his friend Ravi, could come and play in his garden. Ravi brought some toys to share and they had lots of fun together.


1. What did Reece do every day?
2. Why did Reece suddenly start doing more things?
3. What did Reece’s sister say when Reece had nothing to do?
4. What other things did Reece like doing in the end?
5. Why was his Dad pleased?
6. Is it good to watch TV as much as Reece did?
7. Can you say the days of the week?
8. Which day do you like best?
9. How did you feel when you heard the story?
10. Did the story remind you of anything in your own life?



Peace, peace, peace
Peace on earth
Peace, peace, peace
In all the universe.

Love, love, love
Love on earth
Love, love, love
In all the universe

Joy, joy, joy
Joy on earth
Joy, joy, joy
In all the universe.


Give each child a copy of the Activity Chart on the next page to fill in during the week.
You may wish to photocopy the chart so that the children can fill them in each week.
Close the lesson: If the teacher wishes, the lesson can be closed by asking the children to form a circle and say, “We can keep healthy by having lots of exercise.”


Monday       Tuesday     Wednesday  Thursday       Friday      Saturday   Sunday    
Walking to
Running in:
• football
• ball game
• badminton
• other game
• tag
• chase
• other running
Jumping  in:        hopscotch
• skipping
• trampolining
• bouncy castle
• other

Ask your mum to write down the number of minutes you spend every day on any activity



Objectif :

Faire prendre conscience aux enfants de l’importance de s’intéresser à leur entourage et d’apporter leur aide si nécessaire.

Assise silencieuse :

Vous avez l’habitude maintenant d’attendre calmement sans bouger pour entendre la clochette lorsqu’elle sonnera à votre oreille.
Vous vous asseyez en cercle sans toucher vos voisins, votre dos est bien droit, vous posez vos mains sur vos cuisses tournées vers le haut comme des petites coupelles et vous fermez les yeux. Voilà !

Vous respirez, vous inspirez et vous expirez et, comme vous inspirez, vous sentez l’air qui entre dans tout votre corps, les bras, les jambes ; dans votre tête, vous écoutez non pas la clochette, mais votre petite voix (vous savez cette petite voix qui vous dit :  « c’est bien » ou « ce n’est pas bien » ce que tu as fait).

Comme vous êtes bien calme, peut-être qu’elle va vous parler… en même temps, il y a comme une belle lumière qui arrive dans votre tête, puis elle descend dans votre cœur et là, elle se transforme en un beau soleil qui peu à peu illumine toute la salle de classe…

Sentez comme vous êtes bien,… pensez à ce que vous pourriez faire pour aider à la maison…
et ici à l’école…

Ecoutez les bruits en dehors de la classe, commencez doucement à bouger votre corps et ouvrez les yeux. Regardez vos camarades et souriez leur.

Discussion :
Comment vous sentez-vous ?
Avez-vous entendu votre petite voix vous parler ?
Levez votre main si vous avez aimé ce petit temps de détente.



by Jacqui Robinson

Rosea heard her mother calling from the next room. “Where are my helping hands? I need help to clean the bedrooms today.”
Rosea didn’t want to help so she hid under her bed. Rosea’s mother couldn’t find her, so she cleaned all the bedrooms except Rosea’s. While her mother was busy, Rosea crept downstairs and went into the garden. She ran down the end, hoping her mother would not see her out of a window before she reached her swing. Later, when she saw her mother in the kitchen, she thought the cleaning would be finished, and she was tired of playing outside, so she went in.

“Rosea, I was calling you earlier. Didn’t you hear me?” her mother asked.
“No, Mummy.” Rosea lied. “I was playing down the end of the garden on my swing.”
“I was cleaning the bedrooms. You know that your auntie and cousins are coming to stay tomorrow. I left your room until last. I haven’t been able to clean it, or to make your favourite biscuits. There wasn’t time. I missed your helping hands.”

Rosea felt bad. She liked her room to be clean. When it was clean and tidy, it looked so very nice. Her friend, Georgina, loved to come and play with her in her room. Georgina always admired Rosea’s nice clean, tidy room which made Rosea feel good. Georgina’s room was always messy, even when she did tidy it, her baby sister would come in and pull things out of the cupboard and mess it up again. Rosea was about to say sorry when a knock came at the door. It was Georgina who had come to play. Rosea’s mother said they could go up and play in her room. Now Rosea was even more sorry that her room was untidy.

As she ran out of the kitchen, her mother said, “Just one moment, Rosea. There is fluff on the back of your cardigan. You hid under the bed when I called you to help, didn’t you?” Rosea felt so terrible that she started to cry. “You not only wouldn’t help me, but you told a lie as well, and it hasn’t made you feel good, has it?” continued her mother sternly.
“I’m sorry,” sobbed Rosea.

“I don’t think you will want to do it again, now you know how bad it feels. Now go upstairs with Georgina. Perhaps she will help you to tidy up after you have played and you can help me clean the room tomorrow before our guests arrive.”

Rosea’s mother thought that Rosea had learned her lesson and decided to show her how much she loved her by making some biscuits for the two girls. Rosea always remembered how bad she had felt when she did the wrong thing and was always tried to do the right thing after that.


1. Why did Rosea feel bad?
2. How could Rosea have helped her mother?
3. Who can say a job they help with at home?
4. Who can say a job they help with at school?
5. Who else do you help?
7. How did you feel when you heard the story?
8. Does it remind you of anything in your own life?


Right action

Let my head feel peace,
Let my eyes see good
Let my mouth speak only truth.
Let my hands always help,
Let my feet move to serve,
Let my self be always used by my heart
Always full of love.


1. Make a chart displaying daily jobs at school (include each child).

Jobs may include:
• watering plants
• changing the calendar
• putting out snacks
• changing the flowers
• helping at lunchtime
• feeding the fish, etc.

2. Hands are for helping

Give each child a copy of the worksheet on the next page and ask them to draw round their hands and colour each finger with the colour of the corresponding job they do. One hand for school and one hand for home.
Alternatively, give them sheets of clean paper so that they can draw round their hands and write in each finger, or underneath, the job that they do, or will do in the future, to help at home.

Close the lesson:
If the teacher wishes, the lesson can be closed by asking the children to form a circle and say, “I will be helpful at home and at school.


FIVE FINGERS AT HOME Draw round your right hand

Watering the plants
- colour finger green
Laying the table before a meal
- colour finger mauve
Stacking plates in kitchen
- colour finger red
Tidying the books
- colour finger blue
Putting away toys
- colour finger orange
Dressing yourself
- colour finger yellow

FIVE FINGERS AT SCHOOL Draw round your left hand

Watering the plants
- colour finger green

Changing the calendar
- colour finger yellow

Putting out snacks
- colour finger mauve

Stacking plates away neatly
- colour finger red

Changing the flowers
- colour finger pink

Feeding the fish
- colour finger brown

Tidying the books
- colour finger blue

Putting away pens and crayons
- colour finger orange


Creation date : 28/02/2009 @ 19:24
Last update : 18/09/2010 @ 18:12
Category : Youngers initiation
Page read 14420 times

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Thought for the day


L’homme doit toujours avancer vers la force ; il ne devrait pas se réfugier dans le mensonge, la méchanceté et la malhonnêteté qui sont les caractéristiques fondamentales de la lâcheté. Cette lâcheté est née de l’acceptation d’une image fausse et inférieure de nous-même. Vous pensez que vous êtes l’enveloppe, la couche extérieure, mais vous êtes en réalité le noyau, le cœur. Cette fausse identification est l’erreur fondamentale. Tout effort spirituel doit être dirigé vers la suppression de l’enveloppe et la révélation du noyau central. Aussi longtemps que vous dites « Je suis Untel », vous êtes obligé d’avoir peur, mais une fois que vous dites et éprouvez « Je suis Brahman », vous obtenez une force invincible.


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It happened on a 05 May

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Born a 05 May 1936
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