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Youngers initiation - 00- Introductory lesson





for the beginning of each new year


To introduce the five values and help the class to understand them and to feel comfortable with the five teaching components. To recognise how their behaviour will affect others. To listen to others, play and work co-operatively, respect differences, care for each other and not bully.

Key Words: behaviour, chatty, dangers, excursion, expectant, orphan, unsuccessful    

Introduction to the course

Explain that the course is about values which help everyone live more happily and better together, and to know that they are each someone of value.

Setting the ground rules

An effective way to establish a climate of co-operation and mutual respect in the classroom is to require the pupils to think together about how they will treat each other. With young children three rules are sufficient and these could be:
•    only one person speaks at a time
•    everyone listens respectfully to the person speaking
•    have fun and don’t spoil anybody else’s fun.

When working together in groups try to ensure that everyone:
•    feels valued
•    is encouraged to take an active part
•    uses humour in ways which do not hurt others.

School Rules - CARE

    C- is for Caring for those near and far
    A- is for Accepting others as they are
    R - say what’s Real, not deceiving nor lying
    E - Everyone working hard, always trying.



One child gets up and walks across the circle and says, “Hello, my name is ....” to another child and takes his or her place in the circle and folds his/her arms.
That child then gets up and goes to say “Hello, my name is ....” to someone else in the circle who has not got their arms folded, until every child has moved.
Make sure everyone is included and that nobody gets left out.


The silent sitting exercise is near the beginning before the story, but it can be practised at any time during the lesson, as the teacher feels appropriate and taking the children’s age and ability into consideration.  

    Explain that the course contains an exercise which is very valuable and enjoyable and will help them to learn better and become happier.  It is about being very still and listening, particularly listening to the sounds and feelings inside.

Step 1: Sit in a comfortable position on your chair or cross legged on the floor.

Step 2: Say or sing:

I wriggle my fingers
I wriggle my toes
I wriggle my elbows
I wriggle my nose.
Now all the wriggles
Have gone out of me
I’m as still as I can be.

Step 3: Now make sure the back is straight and head upright.  

Shut your eyes.
Take a deep breath and relax as you breathe out.

Step 4: Breathe out any feelings which may be unpleasant or uncomfortable such as feeling frightened / feeling angry / feeling sad.
Let any feeling that upsets you drift away...
Feel peaceful and lovingt to everyone including yourself.

Step 5: Now bring your attention back to the classroom, open your eyes slowly and stretch.

Step 6: Smile at the person next to you.

What noises did you hear?  Discuss.
What did you think of when you were sitting quietly?
How did you feel?
Put your hand up if you enjoyed quiet time.




by Jacqui Robinson

 Miss Fish led her class into assembly. Today she had to announce the names of the ten pupils who would be lucky enough to go on the outing to the
Mighty Lobster Playground. The excursion was organized by the Fishery Department who had asked the teachers to choose the ten best behaved children in the class. It was a difficult task as they were all quite well behaved and there would be many disappointed fish. The playground had the most exciting rides, stalls and interesting things to do.

 Miss Fish looked at the expectant faces of her young fish. All of the pupils hoped their name would be one of the ten. The ten names were called and ten very happy little fish came forward. The rest tried hard not to look too upset and to be happy for their chosen classmates. But for one of the unsuccessful ones it seemed too much to bear. He cried his fishy tears. He had tried to be good and be one of the chosen ones, but he was a chatty little fish and was always in trouble for talking too much. Sammy, one of the lucky ones, felt sorry for him and put up his tail.

    “Yes, Sammy, what is it?”

    “I would like Rocky to go in my place, Miss Fish.”

 The teacher and the rest of the class gasped. The reason everyone was so surprised was because Sammy had been the bully of the class and had been unkind to most of them. He had changed a lot for the better since Miss Fish had read them stories in her EHV lessons about being kind to others. Sammy explained that Rocky was an orphan and his carer did not have the time to take him out anywhere. Sammy explained that he felt lucky to have parents who took him to places and he had been to the Mighty Lobster Playground before.
 The class were all lucky to have Miss Fish for their teacher. She had given them lots of love and understanding. It was not easy being a fish. All sorts of dangers waited in the dark corners of the seabed. Miss Fish smiled, seeing that she now had proof that her efforts to teach human values had worked and a pupil could have a change of character. The rest of the class also had an example of the possibility of how unwanted behaviour could be changed.


1. Why did Rocky cry?
2. Why was the class surprised at Sammy’s offer?
3. Why did Miss Fish feel happy after Sammy’s offer?
4. Had Sammy always cared about others?
5. What do think made Sammy change from being a bully?
6. Do you think Sammy would be happier now?
7. How did you feel when you heard the story?



The Five Values

There are five values that I cannot see
Five values that are you and me.
The first is truth which rings a bell inside
The second is love - to give not hide.
The third is peace we feel when mind is still
The fourth is always doing right
When out of view, as well as within sight.
The fifth is non-violence
Which means being kind
In what we do, and say, and think in mind.


1. Game: Passing Love

The children all hold hands in a circle and one person gently squeezes the hand of the person on his or her left or right (they can choose) and smiles at them. As they do this, they can think a loving thought about that person.  That person then passes the squeeze, smile and loving thought on to the person next to them until the squeeze and smile has passed all round the circle.  Watch the love go round the circle.

Alternatively, if the teacher wishes, an object can be passed instead of a squeeze e.g. a teddy bear, etc. or a cut out heart.

2. Art and Craft work

Make an outline of a fish with scale marks for each child.
Ask the children to cut out some scale shapes from the fish.
Colour and glue some small squares of cellophane paper on the back of the scale holes.
Cut out the fish, make a hole and put string through it.
Write your name on the back.
Hang it up by the window for light to shine through.
When they are taken down the children can take theirs home and tell siblings and carers the Fish story.

Closing Circle: If the teacher wishes they may get into a circle, or into pairs, and say one thing they are looking forward to in these lessons in the future.


Creation date : 20/08/2013 @ 18:34
Last update : 21/08/2013 @ 10:08
Category : Youngers initiation
Page read 13182 times

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Thought for the day


L’homme doit toujours avancer vers la force ; il ne devrait pas se réfugier dans le mensonge, la méchanceté et la malhonnêteté qui sont les caractéristiques fondamentales de la lâcheté. Cette lâcheté est née de l’acceptation d’une image fausse et inférieure de nous-même. Vous pensez que vous êtes l’enveloppe, la couche extérieure, mais vous êtes en réalité le noyau, le cœur. Cette fausse identification est l’erreur fondamentale. Tout effort spirituel doit être dirigé vers la suppression de l’enveloppe et la révélation du noyau central. Aussi longtemps que vous dites « Je suis Untel », vous êtes obligé d’avoir peur, mais une fois que vous dites et éprouvez « Je suis Brahman », vous obtenez une force invincible.


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May 2024

Many happy returns to every

It happened on a 05 May

Les otages français du Liban sont libérés après trois ans de captivité.

Born a 05 May 1936
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